With the decision to try Kalid Shiek Muhammand as a civilian, accused of crimes in a criminal trial in N.Y.; instead of as a enemy combatant by a Miliary Commission; the Federal Courts Rules of Evidence will apply. Be prepared for an aquittal due to:

1) The inadmissibility of his pre-waterboarding confessions of killing Daniel Pearl and planning the 9-11 attacks, because he was snatched in a pre-dawn raid in Pakistan and was never read his Miranda Rights nor given access to counsel, and

2) The inadmissibility of his post-waterboarding statements due to these being secured under duress.

In the meantime, his defense team will have complete access to all our intelligence gathering capabilities, he has the right to subpoena the family members of all his victims if he wants; AND he has the right to bring his OWN claim for damages due to his detention for the last 6 years under the Federal Tort Claims Act.