This just in from the email bag... It is very short notice but they are hoping to find someone for tomorrow for a show-around. I can't do it, but if anyone is inclined to extend the Detroit helping hand is available, please contact me by clicking the CONTACT in the blue menu bar at the left and I will facilitate the connection.
We are two spanish journalist from the information website Our site has just won the Online News Association general excellence award for a non-english large site. It's there where in a few days we will start to write a blog about american and canadian music and we will travel all over the country writing articles about musicians, bands, concerts, independent labels, etc.

We are also very interested at urbanism and we think that your website and your project is really interesting. We would love to write an article about architecture in Detroit and the state of the buildings in the present. The only problem is that we are going to be in the city just tomorrow, but if it could be possible to meet somehow, take a walk and make you and interview, it would be great.

Thank you for your attention.