Pardon the pun in the thread title, which has nothing to do with "dying" but everything to do with "drying."

This article in today's NYT is indicative of the kind of changes we can expect that if anything, may lead to a greater tolerance of each other in depressing economic times.

The issue of stringing clotheslines is certainly a property rights issue in neighborhoods, and is becoming one in communal developments such as condominiums and gated communites. Here in Florida it is no longer illegal in most communities to do so, but condo boards are levying fines against those who do.

This is probably one area liberals and libertarians can agree on, however republicans most likely will have a problem with it.

Energy costs are only one of the concerns- the use of dryer sheets, which has proven to be detrimental to health, not to mention ruining your dryer, as well as adding to the heat of a home which does not have air conditioning are further concerns.

Enjoy this article for more than the topic- there is an underlying motif of where our people are asserting themselves in a public way- I like to think of it as velvet revolution against the status quo.