Those actions in no way, shape, or form should provoke a full-scale military response, either, Cc. EVER.

Storm troopers are not necessary. EVER.

MOST of the bad behavior unto riots are started by Agents Provocateurs.

These actions are related to the oft-repeated False Flags that I cannot remind y'all enough of, although I bet that you have ignored them while speed reading.

But the powers-that-be will continue to turn up the heat as more of us dare stand up and fight the continual onslaught of their evil ways upon us. They think their show of might will deter protests...history shows they are wrong. Dead wrong.

The more the protestors show peaceful and loving actions, the more those-who-fashion-themselves-Lords' horrible over reactions will, unfortunately, become overKILLING. There is a certain trajectory to this, and the trends are not pretty. Watch, those of you on the sidelines, as these contrasts become even MORE apparent, time and again.

Corporate Capitalism is already dead. Empire building at the expense of the indigenous is done. Both have a bit of momentum still, as their proponents continue to ride the dead flesh to continue their lifestyles.

If we lose, and I specifically mean all natural loving people of conscience, then Mother Nature will sneeze off the rest of you evildoers, probably the moment you think you've actually succeeded in eliminating your enemies. It is only a matter of time. She knows what you are capable of...with many times the nuclear force than necessary to blow up the planet.

You, Cc, are a microcosm of the worst of the species inhabiting our planet. Selfish to the extreme, and actively promoting actions that hasten the demise of any who dare oppose you. I pity you and your hardened heart. Must be lonely inside without a soul to warm you. I cannot understand how you can even look in the mirror.

No cheers on this one.