I can't read the full article since its behind a paywall, but I am not surprised by the title of the article.

The Ren Cen was an albatross even before the pandemic but the current post-pandemic era really has a big question mark on what the future of the place will be.

I worked for a number of years in the Ren Cen on and off over 15 years from 2005 until 2020. I had seen it ebb and flow.
I liked being downtown, but like said it was so disconnected from the rest of downtown. The best part was being able to go take a walk at lunch or during a break along the Riverfront. Or, often times, I would go change after work and go for a run or bike ride on the Riverfront. By the time I'd be done it would be past rush hour and I could get home early.

The biggest challenge is that for the most part, many of the jobs that GM and others had in the Ren Cen are some of the easiest to do remotely or from any location. The knowledge sector jobs of finance, accounting, purchasing, IT, and the like that GM primarily had in the Ren Cen can easily be done anywhere. Also, that the majority of those people lived out in the suburbs with a 30-60 minute commute makes them the least likely to even want to come into the office on a hybrid or part-time basis.

I was in the Ren Cen a few weeks ago and it was an absolute ghost town. No better than when I was there a few times in Summer 2021. I would be shocked if they get even 20% of pre pandemic badge swipes.

GM will probably always retain most / all of Tower 300. I doubt the executive offices leave and there will most certainly be functions that maintain a hybrid presence in the Ren Cen.

The Marriott, I have heard, actually gets pretty full still on weekend and when events are going on downtown. Its still viewed as a prime hotel and lot of people still want to go downtown and take in all things for a nice evening / weekend out in the city to do the shows/sporting events/casinos/restaurants/bars etc.

I thought I heard BCBS was downsizing a lot out of Tower 500/600.
Deloitte left Tower 200 a few months ago.

The Wintergarden was desolete when I was there. Panera was still open.
The Food Court was deserted, I think maybe 2-3 restaurants were open.

Its weird. Its not sustainable in its current model.

Its kind of sad actually.