Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
Not being a Maroun fan by any stretch of the imagination, DIBC does have a point. Someone coming out of Green Dot, inebriated, trips and falls on their property, which is unsecured, they have a lawsuit on their hands. I wonder if Green Dot, which I frequent and like, can claim imminent domain or something to that effect, for taking care of the property, [upkeep, snow removal, etc.] all these years? The parking around Green Dot goes into overflow at times.
Yea it's a point, a small one, but still a point. I think it's a complete farce of a point because the courts clearly sided with Green Dot with the overnight fence.

With restaurants going back as far as they have been on that property, my best is the courts side with Green Dot because of 1. imminent domain because of how long a restaurant has been on that property and 2. where are these property lines from, the DIBC or the city? My bet is they are two different maps.