Jackie5275's post about spumoni ice cream on the Alinosi thread reminded me of two purposeful trips down to E. McNichols in 1981. One was to pick up a tub of spumoni ice cream for my employer, as I commented in a reply to Jackie.

The other was to a British/import car dealership or parts store somewhere along the E. McNichols corridor, although I can't recall exactly where it was located. I had traveled about an hour from my home to pick up a hood for a 1970-something MGB. When I arrived, I entered through a side door inside the gates of the business. The salesman said it would take a few minutes to load the hood into the bed of my truck. In my late teens and from a relatively small town, I was fascinated by the city. So... of course, I headed for the front door to take a look around.

The salesman saw me heading for the door and said, "are you thinking about going outside?" "Yes," I said. Realizing I was not familiar with the area, his response was short and to the point: "Don't." I'll never forget how emphatic he was that I remain inside the business.

Anyway, it made me wonder if anyone on here recalls such a business? It would be interesting to know where it was.