As someone who has been working from home 95% of the time since March 2020, I cannot wait to return to my office regularly. I enjoy the commute, interactions, happy hours, restaurants and recreation. All of that activity makes life worth living.

Work from home simulates end-of-life daily activity. Rarely leaving the house, more sedentary, Less interactions. I certainly took up new hobbies. I have a wood / metal shop in the basement of my condo building and enjoy bicycling and spent more time cooking. Not having a commute gave me more time to do that stuff, but I'd rather look forward to coming home to do that vs being around it all the time.

I am not at all convinced of the "death of downtowns". It may take a year or more to fill vacant storefronts, but people will return to daily life and WFH will be a supplemental benefit, but not the standard.