As someone who frequents downtown Detroit on the weekends and stays until after dark, I want to see if anyone else has felt substantially less safe this summer than at any point in the recent past.

Last night I encountered mini bikes speeding down the sidewalk, packs of circling non-street legal 4 wheelers, several cars with people hanging out every window, heroine being done openly in CM Park, among other examples of rude, reckless, and inconsiderate behavior.

The media keeps telling us "this is the new normal" and my worry is if that's true we'll see all the positive steps made in the last 10 or so years backtracked pretty quickly. Who wants to stroll down woodward with mini bikes flying by you, or eat dinner watching 4 wheelers circling the block.

Has anyone else noticed this? If so what are your thoughts on its continuation? Will it have any long term effects on the development of downtown?