So, the history of Our Lady of the Rosary church at the corner of Woodward and the Ford Freeway is pretty well known. A chapel was completed by the Epsicopals in 1884 and was the entirety of the church from then until 1893 when an addition was built along Woodward which was completed in 1896. The building was then sold to the Catholic church and became Our Lady of the Rosary.

What I'm a bit confused about is the physical orientation of the original church as it relates to the 1896 addition. It is always talked about that St. Joseph's Protestant Episcopal Church was originally built at the corner of "Woodward and Medbury" the latter of which is now the service drive for the freeway.

Which way is this photo looking? It looks like Woodward looking southeast. But was this church included in the 1896, or was it demolished and rebuilt to a similar look? It's always mentioned that the addition was built "facing Woodward." Does that mean the original chapel faced Medbury?