North of Grandmont and directly east of North Rosedale Park across the Southfield Freeway is a largely intact neighborhood bound on the north by 6 Mile and on the south by Puritan and Greenfield on its east. Largely residential single-family homes of the brick bungalow type you see in this area of town, it houses a single park, Fields Playground, in its eastern section, what looks to have been an old school on Puritan with the name "Isaac Crary" on it, and mid-century modern apartment buildings line Greenfield.

Anyway, the name of the neighborhood on maps is "Cerveny." I've never heard this area called that by anyone who lives there. Does anyone know the history of the name, and when this neighborhood was developed? I imagine the answer to the latter would point towards the former. Cerveny appears to be a Bohemian [[Czech) name, but that's about all I know.