
This is in the link provided.

extended roof overhangs to minimize thermal gain & maximize solar orientation; energy efficient windows & doors; rain gardens a& ground swales designed to intercept storm run-off; rain barrels for runoff capture & supplemental irrigation; & extensive drought tolerant plantings.

Ground swale definition

  • A swale is a depression created in the groundthat carries rainwater by gravity away from your home and property. How does the water get into the swale? A swale is designed to collect rainwater on your property and the only way to do this without a pump is by gravity flow.

So they dug a trench for the water to drain to the street and use rain barrels for collection for irrigation.

I guess okay in the summer,but when it gets cold up there does water freeze in the barrels and does it rain in the winter?

They do list solar panels on the roof but not really seeing the extended roof overhangs.

So is the asking price relevant to market value for that location or is it enhanced because it is considered energy efficient and maybe offset by energy tax cuts?

I thought I seen in the old house thread there was an architect that built some homes back then,that used multiple building materials and textures to create a style on the front facade,I wonder if this is Was was inspired by that?