I had some other links that didn't upload at the end of my last post.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war

How and Why the US Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukrainehttps://www.strategic-culture.org/ne...-coup-ukraine/

Ukraine: how America's coup machine has destroyed democracy worldwide since 1953 There's lots of room for blaming Republicans too.

Four Years of Ukraine and the Myths of Maidan

Why theUkraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault-The Liberal Delusions that provoked PutinHow and Why the US Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine

Ukraine: how America's coup machine has destroyed democracy worldwide since 1953 There's lots of room for blaming Republicans too.

Four Years of Ukraine and the Myths of Maidan
Why theUkraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault-The Liberal Delusions that provoked Putin
