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  1. #1

    Default OU Professors to Strike!

    I am an Oakland University student. Classes are supposed to start tomorrow. Many will not meet. Why? Because since May 19, OU and the OU Chapter of the AAUP [[American Association of University Professors) have been at the table squabbling about the contract. It is mostly about cutting health care [[we probably wouldn't be here if we have universal health care) and I believe salary freezes, but also about cutting faculty research. I, like many OU students, are annoyed and mad. In my opinion, the OU admin has never cared about the student ever. A 9% tuition increase has been added, while the OU President, Gary Russi has given himself a pay raise, when he has said OU's finances are in dire conditions.

    Let it be known: OU has never cared about the student! If they did, Russi wouldn't be given a pay raise, professors would be willing to teach, and the tuition increase would not be the highest in the state.

  2. #2


    I had a great time at OU. Great campus and profs. It seems like this situation was festering when I was in my final year of my BA last year. One prof mentioned the amount of money that was wasted on "researching and developing" the new logo .. some 80,000 went toward that.

    It's too bad that the State can't do something like cap tuition increases at something like 1% over the rate of inflation. Enrollment is at an all time high at all colleges and universities around here due to the poor economy; it's not like these places are going broke. They are all well endowed and they all have a great Alumni support.

  3. #3


    Don't get me wrong, I love OU, but the administration could give a rats ass about the students.

  4. #4


    I didn't take it that way at all. I've been going to school going on my 6th year straight and that 'tude does not surprise me one bit. I've interacted with Administration from OU quite a bit and while pleasant, that 'tude is there.

    It's worse at Wayne. The administration I've dealt with there has been obnoxiously pompous and arrogant and in two "choice" departments, flows down hill to the instructional staff. Not all of them, but it's the couple of bad apples that really fuck it up for the rest of the bushel. At Wayne, the Administration frankly doesn't give a shit cause your check already cleared.

  5. #5


    Ah, me. Some day you'll have jobs, and then you'll realize the mucky-wucks in your organization don't give a crap for those under them. It's never ending, guys.

  6. #6


    I know, Ray. Thank you, though, for the realization. Of course, I did work at Target and those people could give a crap about you, so I've been exposed to it.

  7. #7


    Of course Ray brings up a very good point. However, I will have to point out that University/College is a customer-based service and not an employee/employer relationship. I've been in the work force for 28 years [[if you include my days as a paperboy) and I have had a good amount of poor bosses; the majority really.

    I am paying for a service and a product, education. I am by no means suggesting that I pay, I must get an "A". Also, just because a person is getting a paycheck is justification for getting treated poorly either.

    IMHO, with the economy in the tank, some schools see fit to treat students more like employees than customers because the trough is full, with no apparent end in sight. Administrators are quick to strike [[read: make their mark upon the school) while the iron is hot. However, I will caution those institutions on this attitude because the day of reckoning [[read: lower enrollment) is soon when the economy picks up and more people are back in the workforce than in school. Pissed off Alumni will not reflect well on the respective institution.

  8. #8


    Oakland University Professors are on strike for two things, MONEY and benefits and not for socialism freedom.

  9. #9


    Danny, they have every right to strike for those things. The university administration has spent too much on themselves. I'm just saying they've had since May 19th to figure these things out!

    From OU News:
    "The university is working with a state appointed mediator who offered the faculty an option to continue teaching while negotiations proceed. The faculty rejected that option and chose to strike."

    This is one beef I have with the professors, they would rather not do their jobs than teach, what they are here to do. I know my professors will hear a mouthful, and not just from me, when classes resume.

  10. #10


    From the Detroit News:

    The American Association of University Professors representing about 600 full-time and part-time professors at Oakland authorized the strike because members are upset that the university has proposed cuts to summer pay and health care, seeks a pay freeze and wants to hire nontenure-track professors.

    Union officials also have requested information on how the university's new medical school will be integrated into the contract, said Lizabeth Barclay, an Oakland University professor and grievance officer for the university's chapter of the American Association of University Professors.

  11. #11


    "From OU News:
    "The university is working with a state appointed mediator who offered the faculty an option to continue teaching while negotiations proceed. The faculty rejected that option and chose to strike."

    This is one beef I have with the professors, they would rather not do their jobs than teach, what they are here to do. I know my professors will hear a mouthful, and not just from me, when classes resume."

    I would caution you on that recourse. I have no doubt that instructors would rather be in the classroom than on the picket line. However, it is a common tactic of Administration to use the mediator process as a means to get the instructors in the classroom during dragging out negotiations. It happens at the local school district level as well.

    The blame is on Administration, not the Professors.

  12. #12


    Baselinepunk sez...

    "The blame is on Administration, not the Professors"

    The blame is on both of them! Denying their young people's future of the full time carreers. So much for free education!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Baselinepunk sez...

    "The blame is on Administration, not the Professors"

    The blame is on both of them! Denying their young people's future of the full time carreers. So much for free education!
    No, the blame is 99% on the administration. They raise our tuition by 9% while touting that "you can afford this". And while the president gets a raise he doesn't need.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    No, the blame is 99% on the administration. They raise our tuition by 9% while touting that "you can afford this". And while the president gets a raise he doesn't need.
    You have to know that our capitalistic society is NOT PERFECT. No civilization will not equal to 'utopian' world. Our American society is a institutionalized structuralization complete with a 'invicible' segregated caste system designed for each and every race and creed. You just to earn your way to the top, or go rock bottom and deal with it. The big blame for the so called ' private institution' we called a university is GREED! Those professors at OU want more money, the admistrators want more money. The love of money makes a human being change its mind. It's the ultimate peacekeeper and weapon against the word 'free'. Money is a disease to mankind and it could destroy nations of the Earth if we don't control it. Money will control us and it governs all the OU professors and other non-socialist unions. Money right now is the President of the United States, the governors of all 50 states, The police force, judge, jury and executioner. If you want to blame the OU adminstrators and professors, blame in MONEY!


    For Jesus sez....

    " The love of money is the root of all evil."

    In memoriam" Neda Soltani

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    "From OU News:
    "The university is working with a state appointed mediator who offered the faculty an option to continue teaching while negotiations proceed. The faculty rejected that option and chose to strike."

    This is one beef I have with the professors, they would rather not do their jobs than teach, what they are here to do. I know my professors will hear a mouthful, and not just from me, when classes resume."

    I would caution you on that recourse. I have no doubt that instructors would rather be in the classroom than on the picket line. However, it is a common tactic of Administration to use the mediator process as a means to get the instructors in the classroom during dragging out negotiations. It happens at the local school district level as well.

    The blame is on Administration, not the Professors.
    Baseline, I totally agree...I just wanna get back to school [[nerd alert! lol). The administration is all about the money. The professors [[and even the students) have every right to strike against an administration as rife with useless spending as this one.

  16. #16
    Retroit Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    Let it be known: OU has never cared about the student! If they did, Russi wouldn't be given a pay raise, professors would be willing to teach, and the tuition increase would not be the highest in the state.
    Sounds to me like it's the students that should be striking! Has this been considered? Here are some picket signs:

    "My education can't wait"
    "We deserve the education we paid for"
    "Work out your disputes on your time, not mine"

  17. #17


    Danny, there is no such thing as a "free education". Even the education in K-12 isn't free; you pay for it through the State tax structure. However, I do enjoy and agree with most of the content and spirit of your post. Unfortunately, it is disrespectful when wasteful spending occurs from Administration, and in turn they plead poverty and demand that the instructors take a pay cut.

    The tuition increases have far exceeded the rise in inflation for many years now. How can Administration demand pay cuts as new and excessive homages to Administration and donors are built? It's very poor form. Administration should lead by example. If they want a pay cut from instructors, share the burden. Unfortunately, that will not happen; generally Administrators make more than instructors and would never cut their own pay.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    Danny, there is no such thing as a "free education". Even the education in K-12 isn't free; you pay for it through the State tax structure. However, I do enjoy and agree with most of the content and spirit of your post. Unfortunately, it is disrespectful when wasteful spending occurs from Administration, and in turn they plead poverty and demand that the instructors take a pay cut.

    The tuition increases have far exceeded the rise in inflation for many years now. How can Administration demand pay cuts as new and excessive homages to Administration and donors are built? It's very poor form. Administration should lead by example. If they want a pay cut from instructors, share the burden. Unfortunately, that will not happen; generally Administrators make more than
    instructors and would never cut their own pay.

    There is free education, It's in the constitution. You can be poor and go to school or be home schooled. You're choice. The state will pay a student even you don't have to work. Colleges, private and parochial are pay educational services. Everyone in the free country must get used to raising cost of the standard of living and provide a safety net. Don't just complain about it adapt , change or make cuts or change the situation by community action.

    It's all about the ecomony. Where the money flows America flows. Be prepare for the change.


    "A change is going to come, Oh! yes it is!" for Neda Soltani sake.

  19. #19


    "Those professors at OU want more money, the admistrators want more money."

    That's a mischaracterization. That should read "Those Professors at OU want more money, the Administrators have more money".

    "There is free education, It's in the constitution. You can be poor and go to school or be home schooled. You're choice. The state will pay a student even you don't have to work."

    Huh? I did a quick look through and I didn't see anything in the US Constitution regarding a free education. Perhaps you would be a little dismayed over the fact that the Great State of Michigan is the first one to develop the k-12 and University models many years after the Founders signed the document. Further, I am not aware of the State paying a student anything to attend school 10 months out of the year. Perhaps you could provide a little better support than empty rhetoric and fallacy [[appeal to emotion, crowd, history).

    "Neda Soltani sake".

    While truly horrific, Neda's situation is an Iranian issue, not an American issue. Perhaps you should go there to be an agent of change; rather, than posting from behind a computer in America. Action speaks louder than tapping out a few letters on a keyboard.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; September-03-09 at 03:07 PM.

  20. #20
    Retroit Guest


    In case anyone else was wondering: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Neda_Agha-Soltan

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Retroit View Post
    Sounds to me like it's the students that should be striking! Has this been considered? Here are some picket signs:

    "My education can't wait"
    "We deserve the education we paid for"
    "Work out your disputes on your time, not mine"
    Thanks for the ideas, tomorrow maybe...

  22. #22



    That's a mischaracterization. That should read "Those Professors at OU want more money, the Administrators have more money".

    Comment is clear to the point. The animosities between OU Professors and Administrators is over the power and love of MONEY. Money controls their life which is either greater ot less to them. They even not thinking about God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost in their lives until they get money first. Professors at OU are to blame for delaying education for students while most students in other private instutitional colleges are getting the education worth and striking for non-socialist cause. The administators of OU are to blame for their greed. There goes over $10,000 in tutions from scholarships hard earned money and financial aid and other work study grants from the U.S. Government. But the students of OU will make their thesis papers and exams in the summer and still get their money's worth.

    Huh? I did a quick look through and I didn't see anything in the US Constitution regarding a free education. Perhaps you would be a little dismayed over the fact that the Great State of Michigan is the first one to develop the k-12 and University models many years after the Founders signed the document. Further, I am not aware of the State paying a student anything to attend school 10 months out of the year. Perhaps you could provide a little better support than empty rhetoric and fallacy [[appeal to emotion, crowd, history).

    Oh it's in the constitution all right. You just haven't read their clauses in King's English. Please re-read the U.S. Constitution on education 'as an assembly' for public institutions.

    While truly horrific, Neda's situation is an Iranian issue, not an American issue. Perhaps you should go there to be an agent of change; rather, than posting from behind a computer in America. Action speaks louder than tapping out a few letters on a keyboard.

    Neda Soltani is not only for Iranian Democracy, she is also for women's rights, political and social reform for the free world. I will respect her legacy. I'm a STREET PROPHET #174 an associate to The Ghettoman and fight to promote a Christian based socialist, democratic, stoicism, and reformation of mankind through deonotological and teonological standpoints, mindset of the beliefs, principles, ethics and concept of morality.


    Be ethical for Neda Soltani's sake.
    Last edited by Danny; September-04-09 at 09:34 AM.

  23. #23



    Whelp, it looks like I've actually been trolled.

    Take care "street profit"


  24. #24


    The President's salary before was $250,000, it is now raised to $350,000, as I heard, to be more like other Michigan university president's salaries. So Mr. Russi, if all the Michigan university presidents fell of a cliff, would you do it too? He doesn't need a pay raise, he wants for an awfully stupid reason. Professors aren't looking for a pay raise, but they certaintly don't want a salary freeze and they need money to continue their research.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Nothing's changed. I graduated from U of D in '83 and even back then they were trying to nickel-and-dime us for everything. Fee for parking, fee for graduating, fees coming, fees going; I'm surprised I didn't have to pay a fee every time I used the urinal. Last stop at the pre-graduation event was the alumni association which tried to hit me up for future contributions, and after a long day of paying one fee after another in the last hours they had to milk my wallet before I was out of there for good, I gave them a royal piece of my mind. They've never gotten another dime out of me since and they never will.

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