The first legal immigrant was processed at Ellis island in 1892 was Ellie Moore a teenager from Ireland.

Why did she process at Ellis Island? Because at that time immigration polices were established and enforced,so she wanted a new start in a new country of opportunity and even as a teenager she wanted to do it the right way.

Is it to much to ask of those seeking opportunities that they will never achieve in thier country to abide by the rules.

It not bitterness against illegals it is disrespectful to the host country to expect sanctuary and not expecting to have to follow the same rules as everybody else.

There are over 2 billion in the world that suffer from poverty there is no way we can absorb the worlds population.

If one is looking for bitterness they can always visit the local jail or prison where thousands are sitting now because they broke the law.

1000s of recent immigrants are nationalized every month becoming US citizens,they went through a process that took years,and they did it with respect to The United States by following the laws.

It is a weak argument to use this country was founded on immigrants,it was but when we became a nation of laws our ancestors also followed the law and stood in line at Ellis island,even after being accepted if they screwed up and broke the law they were punished or deported.

There is bitterness in expecting ones neighbor to follow the law but give a pass to those who wish flaunt it or give them a pass.