Interesting that in Chicago so far this year there have been 1,517 shootings this year,129 less then last year.

This past weekend 55 shot 7 fatally.

But no politicians advocating for gun control there.
No outcry of a president spreading hate.
Its been happening for years and in the home city of the previous president but yet he was never held accountable or took control or even stopped to offer condolences.

Why the outrage in Ohio and El Paso when it is happening every weekend in every major city in the United States.

I am thinking because it is in the Dems back yard it would make them look Un-Presidential if they cannot even control thier little districts let alone the entire United States.

If the continued violence is uncontrollable under thier watch how can they really expect anybody to believe anything that comes out of thier mouth as they are placing blame on others.

We spent 24 years and billions of dollars on a drug war while there is still an overdose death every hour,what makes them thing playing the blame game is going to solve the problems,let alone by getting rid of guns.

Every shooting has been in a gun free zone,fine people for not wearing thier seat belt for thier protection but yet want to remove ones ability to protect themselves when it comes to guns.

Goooood morning Vietnam.

Trump-Gooooood morning America,how may I offend you today.