Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
Just read he ACA,.. or most any commentary on it.

Known as age curve,.. or age rating ratio,.. we previously were at between 5 - 1 and 7 - 1 age ratio. The ACA capped that at 3 - 1. Meaning dramatically higher premiums for the young, and lower for seniors. Here's a study on the effect of it.


It acts as a massive wealth transfer scheme to the biggest single block of voters.

And by no means am I defending Gerrymandering,... but in terms of cheating,.. flip-flopping a couple state reps is relatively meaningless,.. or at least it is as compared to wrecking the nation's economy, imprisoning millions in poverty, and wrecking our health-care system for fun and profit.
Thank you for citing a piece, I'll have to look into that.

As for the original topic, comparing the ACA to gerrymandering is not equal, whatsoever.

Gerrymandering is legal cheating and it must be abolished. I'm glad that the courts ruled in favor of eliminating it.