Everyone seems to complain, however Ohio, and the Republican governor DeWine is presently proposing a gas tax increase also, although not as large as Michigan’s, however, their roads are in much better shape as they have been increasing the tax all along a lot more than Michigan and they have been a much better custodian of the road system as a result.So I guess it’s time to bite the bullet, or turn the state road system into a total disaster which will kill the economy and the visitors bureau as well. People will have little desire to even move to the state or visit it [[ tourism is huge for Michigan ) if they see how poor the road system is and the damage to their cars, this effects our property values also. One thing I never understand, is why they don’t increase the sales tax to 7% from 6% instead. I know this has been suggested and voted down however a sales tax is not only incurred by the residence but also by every person visiting and traveling through the state. Ohio and Illinois already have higher sales tax than we do, and the effect would spread out the pain even more evenly then those who are consuming gas. One middle of the road compromise would be to raise the gas tax perhaps by 15% and the sales tax by 1/2 %, that way it would be spread out even more evenly and people would not notice the price differences as much.