Okay, to be fair, I realize there aren't even that many Tigers fans in metro Detroit, at least until they start winning again. Which I won't live long enough to see. And I'm in my thirties.

But I'll be travelling a bit this year. With the wonders of modern technology, in which you can pay for a speaker to record you fucking and send it back to Google and you can check your e-mail while you're taking a poop, is there some thing Silicon Valley has monetized to futuristically connect with Tigers fans out-of-town and attend away games together? Like, if I'm in shitsville, is there some sort of online group, app, or holographic community I can join so I can meet up with other Tigers die-hards so we can get trashed and watch our boys lose in an unfamiliar location? Or am I correct in assuming that social media, which I don't have, is actually so we don't have to talk to each other. If you know of any such methods, please see me after class. I'd love to meet some fellow rust belt road warriors at a game.