I was born and raised in Detroit but no longer live there as I am living in Indianapolis these days. I am getting ready to move into a senior citizen apartment complex after living in a home for the past 16 years. So, I am having to downsize, get rid of, and donate items from my lifetime of collecting what I consider are treasures. It is a difficult process but I'm warming up to it by donating many things to worthy recipients and charities. It's kind of like I view my "things" as I was the caretaker of the items and now it's time for me to pass them onto a new caretaker, then maybe one day they will pass them on, and so on and so forth. Name:  Photo 2.jpg
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So, I have many high quality books with categories like Polish Catholic or Detroit Polonia research books of all sorts. I have found the St. Albertus Historic District and they are tickled for me to donate my book to their library. I have some original African Art objects like Zulu Spears and Shields that I am donating to the DIA that are also very pleased to be receiving them. I have many vintage, framed Polish Catholic photographs, First Holy Communion photos, Wedding photos from all back in the 19 teens, 20's, and 30's, etc., and birth certificates of PolishName:  Photo 4.jpg
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Size:  166.6 KB Catholic citizens of Detroit that I am donating to the Orchard Lake campus. Name:  Photo 1.jpg
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I was a professional photographer in my work life. So, I have many vintage, high quality, hard back photographic books of all sorts along with much film camera equipment. Again, all of my equipment is high quality such a Leica and Nikon bodies and lenses. What I am try to find is some good, worthy Detroit organization that can use these items that I can donate them to. I know I will get some good, thoughtful suggestions on this forum. I will consider every suggestion for its relevancy to Detroit. I certainly hope this is considered a Detroit Topic for inclusion on this portion of the forums.Name:  Photo 3.jpg
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