Lexisnexis is a data compilation company that collects in depth data on everybody,you can order your file and the adverage persons file is 300 to 500 pages long.

The information is then sold.

Everything you buy on a credit card,order online,post on Facebook,order on a smart TV is analyzed and used to determine your insurance rates,health and automotive,mortgage etc.

For instance women buying plus size clothing are classified as depression prone and charged a higher rate.

Ordering a pizza or renting a movie on a smart tv is used to determine your healthy eating habits and level of potential violence if you like action movies.

Post a political opinion on social media and you are put into a category according to your political leanings that effect your rates.

Everything that you do and buy in life,past and present is added to the file.

Imagine if we lived under a dictatorship,that information would be used to determine your freedom,post one political opposition on social media and you would be jailed.

It is a compilation of public access records and personal information sold by the states and companies that you give the information to,mostly when we sign user agreements online without actually reading them and opting out on.

But most give you no choice sign or not use the product or service.