Quote Originally Posted by O3H View Post
Detroit CERTAINLY is not, and will not, be at the forefront of the 5G system


Most folks don't have a fuckin' clue as to what 5G truly is,
what it takes to launch it within a city, or how it gets to their phone.
They don't read in depth, tech articles, and their posts show ignorance.
Yeah I call out the idiots, the dumb asses, and the ignorant.

There is a reason - investment and tech - avoid Detroit. It's toxic.


Detroit ranks 11th in net tech employment [[ and that is metro Detroit, not Detroit City)
You know what's might really blow your mind? Or maybe give you Sofite Syndrome? Reading Internet articles and cut-and-pasting or linking things you read does NOT make you intelligent. You aren't Good Will Hunting. And yes, my 13-year-old has more intelligent things to say about this than you do.