Yes, really! Think about how it would affect your personal budget to be given a car -- no car note, no car insurance, no gas, no worrying about going over your mileage, no wondering how you're going to come up with a deductible when someone idiot steals the tires and rims off your car [[happened to me)... Now think about how that would effect your personal budget to have to pay that all of a sudden. I once worked in a job where I got a car because I spent a great deal of my time meeting with the community each day and had to face that reality when I left there. The good councilmembers are all over this city days, evenings and weekends meeting with their constituents, going to community events, etc. They can't write that stuff off on their income taxes. That is a significant blow to the wallet.

Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
Kudos for giving back a car!! Really. Since she may have only four months left in her term, it only makes sense because she will have to get some new wheels since she won't be driving on the city's dime anymore come January 1st.