Jason, those entities that you had mentioned are probably responsible for Detroit not having adequate public transportation. The owner of those entities might have their hands in the elected officials back pockets or purses to keep reliable mass transit from happening. Then they would post something saying that the use of transportation is on the way down which is opposite of how it is in Detroit. SMART's services had became more and more inefficient since Dan Dirk had left for DDOT. The FAST busses are reliable and much needed but the local SMART services are wanning. It's cheaper to build more busses than it is to repair time after time these roads and freeways for the automobile. Mass Transit doesn't have strong lobbyist in the State House. One thing that I give Duggan is that he had given DDOT a shot in the arm by having services wait time decreased and adding more lines including keeping it's Reflex Woodward bus until the contract run out. DDOT also have rights to run it's bus services a few miles into the suburbs which they probably want to do but the municipalities out there and the bus drivers union had probably fought against it. Let's keep the crazy behaviors minimized on DDOT then the total ride would be pleasant enough where one would feel comfortable to work on their laptops or possibly take a nap