I grew up in the Village [[and went to public school!), have lived on the eastside for all of the time I've spent in Detroit, and now live nearby. It is indeed a beautiful neighborhood, with good neighbors, a strong neighborhood association, and incredible houses that you couldn't get anywhere else in the country for anywhere near the price. Crime is a concern, to be sure, as it is in most big cities, and certain precautions must be taken that one probably wouldn't take in Birmingham. But the crime rate in that area and that part of town is lower than in most of the city, and there are parts of the Village that are somewhat less prone to crime than others. Now, of course, you should keep in mind these are older houses that require some serious maintenance and upkeep, so you have to go into that with your eyes open, but also remember what you paid for your beautiful old house. They won't make anymore like them.

I certainly survived living there with nary a scratch, as have thousands of others, and have great memories of the place. When I got older, my commute to work was literally 15 minutes or less. In all, for the housing stock, the cost, the proximity to the center of the city, and the diversity of the population, I would say it's hard to beat.