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  1. #501


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...fake ... audacity ... lying ... dumb ... whining ... politicizing ... politicizing ... pointless ... zero comprehension ... lying ... misdirection ... waaaaa ... blame...
    Are you really this dense or do you think we are?

    The article you quoted from the Washington Post was edited to support your claim by removing the facts that disprove it. See how that works?

    Did you even read the article? Or did you pass on someone else's handiwork? The Washington Post has a air-tight paywall and you don't strike me as a subscriber, so I'm guessing the latter.

    Flights from China continue. Trump did not prohibit them. We can watch them arrive on flightaware.com. We can go to an airline and buy tickets.

    We won't be tested for coronavirus when we return. The CDC botched the test kits and there aren't enough. Fewer people have been tested than who arrive on two flights from China. Besides, they take days to return the results.

    Reuters reported some chicken cargo was temporarily turned away from Chinese ports, and only so it didn't spoil because processing plants there were idled and couldn't receive them. This was not the result of a government order, certainly not one from Trump.

    They reported 80% of the delayed chicken parts were chicken feet. HAhaha!

    Trump issued no order to quarantine cargo from China. It gets unloaded at our ports and goes to our factories and store shelves like it always did. Which is a good thing, because it presents no coronavirus risk.

    Chicken feet in China have nothing to do with Sanders. Your posts are riddled with lies and red herrings. Gistok described it well. There is no reason to read them.

    The weak-minded are at higher risk of getting infected by your stupidity than the weak-bodied are of suffering from the coronavirus.

    That's your intention.
    Last edited by bust; March-01-20 at 03:12 PM.

  2. #502


    No Zach that was Bust moving posts around in order to prove an agenda.

    He deleted his post to make it change in the order of responses,then reposted it.

    Thats what trolls do.
    Last edited by Richard; March-01-20 at 12:10 PM.

  3. #503


    ^^^ I deleted my response when I saw the shuffling. I'm out... time to go make lunch and attempt the drink this 22 oz of water I'm pledging to do twice a DAY -- withstanding politics. Hah!
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-01-20 at 01:58 PM.

  4. #504


    Bernie Sanders Smashes His Previous One Month Fundraising Record With Massive $46 Million in February Contributions

    "2.2 million campaign contributions, including 350,000 first time donors"

    Most ever contributors and biggest ever fundraising numbers in history, even as he refuses to accept donations from corporations and superPACs.

    Elizabeth Warren is my top choice; I'd be happy with Sanders as second best.
    Would love to vote for them both.

    I'd happily vote for any of the other democrats, considering the alternative.

    We've never had more to be ashamed of than Trump.
    Last edited by bust; March-01-20 at 04:34 PM.

  5. #505


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Bernie Sanders Smashes His Previous One Month Fundraising Record With Massive $46 Million in February Contributions

    "2.2 million campaign contributions, including 350,000 first time donors"

    Most ever contributors and biggest ever fundraising numbers in history, even as he refuses to accept donations from corporations and superPACs.

    Elizabeth Warren is my top choice; I'd be happy with Sanders as second best.
    Would love to vote for them both.

    I'd happily vote for any of the other democrats, considering the alternative.

    We've never had more to be ashamed of than Trump.

    Yes, I symp-o-thize. What do you think of Bloomie jumping in, though?

    Quite the contrast btwn Sanders and him. Different agendas, incontrovertibly. [[ I had to use that one adverb at least once in my life)

  6. #506


    Elizabeth Warren the “PAC” buster has now decided to use them to fund her campaign,I guess they are not so bad after all if they can become useful.

    I think that would be referred to a flip flop politician.

    To me this is the scenario,Bloomberg runs a campaign and gains votes with no intention of actually becoming president,the campaign narrows down to two candidates,he drops out of the race and hands his collected votes to the candidate of his choosing,in essence personally picking the candidate.

    Soon the remaining candidates that cannot maintain the 15% of collected votes will be dropped or drop out,it will be down to Biden and Sanders and if Sanders cannot build outside of his base like he has not been doing then Biden verses Trump.
    Last edited by Richard; March-02-20 at 12:18 PM.

  7. #507


    What Bernie Skeptics Need to Know Before Super Tuesday
    Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich debunks six common myths about Bernie Sanders' electability, and makes the case for why the senator from Vermont is Democrats' best shot at taking back the White House.

  8. #508


    Maybe that is why the big push to legalize weed,they figure if people are stoned enough they will believe anything.

    325 million individuals in this country,there are probably gazillions of them that could make the case why Trump should be re-elected,all the other candidates could have made cases as to why their choice should have been the best shot.

    In order to soften the blow,people should just come to terms with Bernie will not be in the White House,now,instead of waiting until the last moment.

  9. #509


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Maybe that is why the big push to legalize weed,they figure if people are stoned enough they will believe anything.
    Actually, numerous studies have shown that the most heavy regular users of marijuana are 98% less likely to believe idiotic things than the average Trump supporter, as you bear out on a regular basis.

  10. #510


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Actually, numerous studies have shown that the most heavy regular users of marijuana are 98% less likely to believe idiotic things than the average Trump supporter, as you bear out on a regular basis.
    If you do not smoke weed what is your excuse?

    Links to your studies please?

  11. #511


    Bloomberg dropped out, saying he's leaving to defeat Trump. Bernie said he wants no part of Mike's money. I wonder who will inherit that massive war chest now???Hmmmmm

  12. #512


    He may not need his money.

    The California primary carries 415 votes,Texas 200+.

    The California 415 votes is equal to almost 5 states worth of votes combined.

    If Bernie takes the majority in Texas and California Biden will be in trouble.

    It was interesting in watching the exit polls out of VA,58% polled said they cared more about beating Trump then the candidates policies.

    Healthcare was at the top but very little when it came to income inequality or socialist policies that were at the bottom of concerns.

    A whopping 68% said they disliked Trump,which stands to reason,it’s kinda like being a Trump supporter on DYes,I figure if the same question was posed to the republicans the opposite results would apply.

    Elizabeth Warren will be the next to drop.

  13. #513


    ^^^ You'd think she'd [[Warren) drop fast for the sake of Bernie who shares many of her values, thinking and ideology withstanding their pose during the debates.

  14. #514


    1,991 delegates are needed to win currently it is

    Biden 525
    Bernie 425
    Warren 35

    She received 1 vote compared to Bernie’s 150 in California,maybe Pam can give some insight as to how Bernie supporters feel about her.

    She shot herself in the foot when she called all police racist cold blooded murders.

    She came in 3rd in her own home state,I think by the end of the week she will drop.

    But she is wishy washy and really not that relevant to begin with,Bloomberg is giving his support to Biden and it is clear that the moderate part of the Democratic Party is standing up and saying they are not interested in the progressives.

    Which is a bit refreshing to see and if she wants to remain in politics it would be crazy at this time to show support for Bernie.

    They were all standing up on stage a few weeks ago fighting with each other and saying how they would be better then the one standing next to them,then when they drop out they cozy up to the person they were just being dirty with.

    Just shows how fake they are.

    What has been shown is that the voters do not care about policies,given a choice of a nuclear bomb or 4 more years of Trump they would take the nuclear bomb,and they are just not ready for that far left socialist agendas.

    What is Funny is both Warren and Bernie have called Trump with dictatorship attributes but the first thing that comes out of their mouths is

    The first day in office I will create an executive order to create said policy.

    So doing the same thing they are calling Trump on.

    They did a poll of 40,000 voters and crunched the numbers,the determination was that Bernie would have to gain 30% more young voters showing up then 2016.Highly unlikely to happen.

    His current numbers of support are less then in 2016 and he is still not expanding his base of support.

    Bloomberg is just playing a billionaires game of chess with Trump,they could not have stopped him,but he should have never ran.
    Last edited by Richard; March-04-20 at 10:05 PM.

  15. #515


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    You'd think she'd [[Warren) drop fast for the sake of Bernie who shares many of her values, thinking and ideology withstanding their pose during the debates.
    As is often the case, often the leading proponents of the same ideas do not get along and do not like each other. That appears to be the case here.

  16. #516


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    As is often the case, often the leading proponents of the same ideas do not get along and do not like each other. That appears to be the case here.
    I think she's playing the long game so see who she can get the best post out of. Veep, cabinet?

  17. #517
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    The 2020 Massachusetts Democratic Party presidential primary was held on March 3, 2020. Election results from the computerized vote counts differed significantly from the results projected by the exit poll conducted by Edison Research and published by CNN at poll’s closing. As in the
    2016 Massachusetts primary
    between candidates Sanders and Clinton, disparities greatly exceed the exit poll’s margin of error. Sanders won Massachusetts in the exit poll and lost it in the computer count.

  18. #518


    I never expect exit polling to be exact; that’s why they count votes

  19. #519
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I never expect exit polling to be exact; that’s why they count votes
    It's a red flag. The margin of error was exceeded. They should investigate in case someone manipulated the vote totals.

  20. #520


    I am seeing commercials from both Bernie and Biden with Obama in them making the appearance that he is endorsing them,after he said he was not endorsing anybody?

    After 2016 I put about much faith in polls as I would using a strainer to carry water in.
    Last edited by Richard; March-07-20 at 08:42 AM.

  21. #521


    There may or may not be any corruption or meddling with votes/counts.

    But systems of votes that don't have paper-traceability are a problem in that you simply can't go back and prove that the official count aligns with voter intent.

    Paper ballot, but optically scanned is the best system. One in which you get the speed of electronic counting; but the fact-check ability of the paper ballot.

    Also on the subject of making electoral races appear legitimate.........what is with the world's slowest vote counting in the U.S.?

    [[Ok, in fairness, India is worse)

    But still....it would be a scandal here if races weren't generally decided the night of the election.

    You can always find an outlier polling station or 2 which may make a difference in 1 or 2 close races that doesn't report til 2am.

    But I don't ever recall an electoral result taking days.

    I don't understand how that happens, nor how you can assure people of a clean, tamper-free election when staff clearly have to go home to sleep without having counted all the ballots.

  22. #522
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    There may or may not be any corruption or meddling with votes/counts.

    But systems of votes that don't have paper-traceability are a problem in that you simply can't go back and prove that the official count aligns with voter intent.

    Paper ballot, but optically scanned is the best system. One in which you get the speed of electronic counting; but the fact-check ability of the paper ballot.

    Also on the subject of making electoral races appear legitimate.........what is with the world's slowest vote counting in the U.S.?

    [[Ok, in fairness, India is worse)

    But still....it would be a scandal here if races weren't generally decided the night of the election.

    You can always find an outlier polling station or 2 which may make a difference in 1 or 2 close races that doesn't report til 2am.

    But I don't ever recall an electoral result taking days.

    I don't understand how that happens, nor how you can assure people of a clean, tamper-free election when staff clearly have to go home to sleep without having counted all the ballots.
    CV it takes time to dispose of all those votes that weren't for the pre-selected winner.

  23. #523


    I guess some still do not understand the difference between a primary and an electoral vote and how votes are actually counted.

    The slow count was based on the trail implementation of a new software and it was tried at a time and place where the outcome really made no difference in the bigger picture.

    That was a state that set their own process,it was the state at fault not the system.

    We will find out Tuesday weather Bernie or Biden carries the torch on ahead.

  24. #524


    I think Biden fits better with the Southern ethos of camaraderie [[or schmoozing if you like that word), dealmaking, and considering the interests of white men, if not always putting them first. Democratic Presidents who were elected that somewhat fit this profile were Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. Some Democratic presidential candidates that did not get elected that did not fit it were Al Gore, George McGovern, and Michael Dukakis.

    On the other hand I feel that Jill Stein of the Green Party was right to request a recount of the Michigan votes in the 2016 Presidential election.
    You will recall that was quite the brouhaha. Russian election interference was just then being comprehended. The Republicans on the State Supreme Court successfully blocked the recount once it was under way.
    So just because I think Jill Stein was right on this, and no, I voted for Hillary Clinton, I believe I will be voting for Bernie Sanders tomorrow.

    I was in favor of Elizabeth Warren until she dropped out, then found it kind of hard to decide between Biden and Bernie. Biden is more of a compromise candidate for voters who had chosen Trump though not wholeheartedly. Sanders is more of an in-your-face candidate towards Trump-leaning voters.
    Last edited by Dumpling; March-09-20 at 03:59 AM.

  25. #525


    I wonder if the Antifa folk will riot at some point as we saw with the protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 68?

    It will be far less polite this time if they do!

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