No matter how robust its crown of leaves may be, a hollow tree is doomed.

Turn Redlines Green!
  • Reward those living in our metropolis' distressed areas.
  • Levelize by tax credit excess insurance and tax rates incurred by inner citiy living to where they are equal to or lower than the state average.
  • Levelize public safety for distressed cities to where they are equal to or better than the state average.
Build that Wall!
  • Draw a 'sprawl wall' line around the metro beyond which residential development is curtailed.
  • Incentivize residential development in distressed areas inside the sprall wall.
Tear Down that Wall!
  • Negotiate a European Union style treaty to allow free movement of people across the Canada / US border reducing border expenses and inducing tourism.
  • Rebrand Detroit / Windsor as World’s Greatest International Metropolis.
Tear Down Those Walls!
  • Unify metropolitan public services.
  • Become a metropolis of neighborhoods, not separate cities.
  • Bond with Windsor – Essex as much as federal laws allow.
  • Become one city. Think as one city. Act as one city.
This is deliberately kept simple. Something needs to be done to keep our international metropolitan sprawlopolis from totally spinning apart and this my idea of a start.

Fire away!