Quote Originally Posted by mcsdetroitfriend View Post
That's not what I meant and you know it!

What I meant is that the upkeep of an empty building can help secure its longevity. This building has had new windows added, a new roof, and has been sealed from the elements for the most part. So say a developer comes along and says "I see a future in that building" then the cost would be a lot lower due to its upkeep.
What new windows? Last time I was in Detroit two weeks ago the windows were broken at the back, and the back wall was beginning to bow out. It looked the same several months previous. Don't try to give credit to anyone on this. Responsible owners would have a building they actually care about checked on and resealed when damage is done.

And painting this building just sounds ridiculous. What's the point, and how about fixing damaged brick first before it falls. I doubt paint will do much to stop it.