Quote Originally Posted by mikeg19 View Post
Well, short answer no. Mass transit is probably going to be a deal breaker, but Detroit Metro area does have a lot of the qualifications they are looking for. But as I've read in a few articles this morning, Michigan does not have a shovel ready plot of land large enough for Amazon. It might sound crazy, but their timeline doesn't allow for brownfield redevelopment, land procurement, etc. It needs to be 100% development ready today, and we simply just don't have that.
Maybe Gores can pitch them the Palace
Instead of the Palace, think Silverdome. No major downtown core is going to have this much land. I can't think of anywhere in the Toronto area. The land behind Foxtown is a little smaller than the MGM space but still not nearly large enough. Maybe if you split it between Foxtown and the fail jail site. That would really put a monkey wrench into things.