Quote Originally Posted by motorcitymadame View Post
As a Native Detroiter, I just know the City deserves better and can do better! I do not see Duggan, a white man from the suburbs, who was not even a resident until 3 years ago, that changed his residency just to run for Mayor of a City he nor his family live in, as being someone that knows and has a passion for the revitalization of the entire City. We are not all so naive as to jump on the bandwagon just because he got a few street lights. It doesn't take a genius to find a vendor and allocate funding for things that need improving.
The street lighting came in ahead of schedule and under budget. Anyone can know what problem but a you have to get right people to do it.

You say he's not passionate about helping the entire city. You have things like the 20 minute neighborhoods initiative, Motor City Match that are already paying dividends in neighborhoods outside of downtown like Fitzgerald. Parts of the city that haven't seen investment in a long time are starting to see them that he's only lived in city for three seems irrelevant