Statistically speaking, some of ya'll are religious and that is the primary determining factor on this issue. It doesn't matter if I brought it up, it is a factor in this debate and ignoring that is disingenuous.

Healthcare should be universal, regardless of what the constitution says. If you are objective it is backwards to not have this as a right at the federal level instead of punishing those seeking healthcare. Interesting you mention a compromise with the religious folks considering the First Amendment seems to make clear that from of and from religion is important.

Actually that video makes fun of conservatives more than christians. All of her assertions are about how Republican policies always seem to ignore the sanctity of life outside of this issue. Unless of course you are say that conservative and christianity are inextricably linked... almost like what I was saying....

Also hard to feel too bad when the group you are saying is victimized holds control over the Supreme Court and is part of the litmus test for anyone who tries to run for office. When you are in power and controlling what women can do with their own bodies in many states I don't think your "group" is hurting that much. I thought it was conservatives that said freedom of speech is absolute and "f*ck your feelings"? Weird.