^ I think he is more of a realist,you see it here in threads,a nuclear missile could be headed to the United States and Trump could stop it with his bare hands and people would complain because his fingernails scratched the paint.

You are not going to change that mindset no matter what so why waste energy,a small percentage of the country actually follow twitter and the only reason they know anything he tweets is because the media capitalized on it.

If they left it alone nobody would even know he said anything,then in order to capitalize on it the media cherrypicks words that they know will trigger folks.

Most people I know or meet are not even following the sideshow of politics,they are involved with work and raising family,and do not even know what he says from month to month.

In the end nobody really cares what he says or who he triggers or why,they will look at where the country and thier personal situation is now compared to 2015 if they are happy with the results they will vote as such.

The thing is he picked up on what the common person feels like and can relate to,you hear that he and we are an embarrassment to the rest of the world but if one actually looks at what has been happening in the rest of the world,they are dealing with the exact same things and in the exact same way.

Every single topic.

It is almost like the entire world stood up and said enough is enough,that did not take Trump,he may have been a catalyst but the time was coming and something had to give,and it did.

The problem with the current line up of Dems is they keep pandering to a sector of constituents that is not really big enough to win thier elections,

Trump is doing grandstanding where 53,000 show up,that is more then the entire line up drew on a debate stage.

The Dems are making promises that most realize that are so out there that there is no way they will even implement them,Americans do not do well with radical change like they are proposing.

Trump does not exactly have the lock on the no sliver tongue aspect,and I would love to see Beto go door to door collecting guns,that’s the problem,he will not but he will stand on the soapbox talking BS like the others that people can see right through.