Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
AJ which presidential candidate was pushing for a conflict with Russia? Hint it wasn't DT.
So Hillary Clinton made Trump do it?

Which member of the Deep State held a gun to Donald Trump's head and made him give that policy speech? Couldn't Trump, as the President, just reject any advice that went against what I'm sure are his very strongly-held personal principles? Or is he a nutless coward who does what's he told?

Isn't that why people like you voted for him and continue to support him? Because he was an "outsider", because he was a strong leader and a businessman with brass balls and he takes charge and gets shit done? Because he was going to "drain the swamp?"

Listen to yourself. Trump gives a speech saying he's sending more troops to Afghanistan and you have blamed everyone and anyone under the sun for it EXCEPT for the one man who actually uttered the words. Under what grounds do you absolve Donald Trump for his own words and actions?

Harry Truman famously kept a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said "the Buck Stops Here." In your mind, Donald Trump must have a sign on his desk that reads "Anything I say or do is not my fault, Hillary Clinton MADE me do it!"