With all due respect to their legitimate and grassroots startup fandom, they need to grow the fuck up and get behind a pro team, having their say in same and ensuring that Detroit has an especially well-supported pro team. They are the local soccer fanatics and they hold the keys to whether a pro team will have a strong fanatic following, which is crucial. They likewise can have a say in various details about the team, even the configuration of the stadium seating, if they want it.

Why hold Detroit back to the semi-sub-pro leagues with a team that, though impressive and spirited, can be beaten by certain college teams, when you have the opportunity to join a legitimate pro league? Are you proving some kind of point by saying that Detroit should only compete with Erie PA and Muskegon MI and shouldn't be taking on LA Galaxy and hosting Arsenal for friendlies. OK, right. The Detroit franchise can also be called DCFC and said franchise can remain engaged in the sub-pros by maintaining the current squad as a feeder team, as is standard in soccer. If the Northern Guard only wishes to attend the sub-pro games, that is their choice.