At bit of a slow news day story but, in short, artists assemble something to blow it up while creating an art video of the event. Explosions freak neighbors and fire department gets called and sends trucks.

Should they be cited? The site is in an industrial area. If you spin around in this Google street view no residential housing can be seen and it all looks pretty fireproof. Not making an accusation, but some artists have been know to make a PR play and one could wonder who made the call.
"The Detroit Fire Department sped over to 1331 Holden Street on Sunday while a local part of a national art installation, creating a Rube Goldberg chain-reaction contraption, was taking place after neighbors alerted firefighters to what they thought was a blast.
At least that’s what Matthew Naimi said he thought drew the fire trucks to the “Deconstruct: America” project, which was designed to solve complex societal problems by using art and participation.
“We built a house out of garbage from a recycle center,” said Naimi of Detroit, who described himself as a cultural janitor, someone, he said, who inspires and creates things out of the garbage. “Everything we used in the house, we pulled out of the garbage including lumber, windows, etc. A guy who has a pyro card and knows how to do it for the movies, used like a giant firecracker.”

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