I say legalize it completely so you can tax it diligently, and then fund the damn schools. Or roads. Or...

Worth mentioning that MILegalize's petition deadline is today. I haven't been following the situation lately, but it seems still possible that there could be a full legalization initiative on the Nov ballot. Here's their summary:

  • Legalize all forms marijuana for adults 21 and older- including topicals, oils, and tinctures.
  • Allow for adults to cultivate up to 12 plants.
  • Allow for the cultivation, possession, and otherwise processing of hemp and hemp products.
  • Grants medical marijuana patients & consumers additional legal protections.
  • Provide licensing to marijuana establishments and cultivation facilities.
  • Allow a ten percent excise tax on recreational marijuana sales that will contribute to state funds for education, transportation and a portion for local government, tax will not apply to medical marijuana patients.
  • Remove all criminal penalties for distribution, cultivation, and possession of marijuana with the exception of sale to an unauthorized minor.
  • Allow for civil infractions to be issued if the person is in violation of the act.
  • Protect consumers from search, seizure, and investigation by law enforcement for marijuana related offenses.
  • Authorize local units of government to adopt limited regulation of marihuana facilities and stores.

from here: http://www.milegalize.com/about_the_initiative
full text of the initiative: http://www.milegalize.com/read_the