Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
I don't understand the push for driverless cars. Who wants them? Most consumers don't.
I could see a lot of application in closed community situations, industrial parks, retirement communities and such. For going out on public roads I am still trying to figure that out.

I see it winning approval by increments. Would I like to have self-driving as an auto-pilot option/extra-set-of-yes option on my car? Definitely. I think that is how the concept will gain acceptance. Bit by bit people will come to realize, "damn this thing drives better than I do". It's the message in this cute ad.

When I ponder who is on the public roads [drunks, inexperienced new drivers, doddering old folk, people on and off their meds] and ask, "could a robot car do better" I get a resounding "yes".

Would I like one for my taxi driver? Not yet.

Finally I will congratulate the auto industry in branding it as mellower 'self-driving' vs robot, which they really are.