ATTENTION MODERATORS: I am not a real estate agent. Please don't delete this post or the following link.

The 4 bedroom, 2 bath house at 1544 Vinewood St is available for just $1,480. According to the listing agent and a next-door neighbor, the house is NOT fire-damaged. I asked the listing agent why the house is available for so little, and he stated, "It's a foreclosure." He said it's been available for about a month.

The house is boarded up. Maybe a Hubbard Farms resident like Melocoton can shed some light on the condition of this house. It's not as architecturally impressive as others in the neighborhood.

I don't know how bad the interior is. But I do know that Hubbard Farms is a great neighborhood. It has a lot of what non-Detroit residents complain that Detroit doesn't have - COMMUNITY PRIDE/INVOLVEMENT and DIVERSITY. Vernor Highway and all of its businesses, Mexicantown, a Detroit public libary branch, Clark Park,Western International High School, and two buslines - Vernor and Joy, are all within a couple blocks.

So if there are any suburbanites or Detroit renters who are considering taking the plunge to being a owner-occupant - PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS HOUSE. Be a contributing member of a great urban neighborhood. It's worth a look. At least the initial investment will be tiny.