Quote Originally Posted by 48307 View Post
I don't really think timing things to the price of gas makes sense.

I remember years ago when the price went down for a little while my friend bought a big ass truck. I asked her, if you're struggling financially, why buy the expensive gas-guzzling truck? Her response was that, "gas is so cheap right now so it doesn't matter".

I was shocked at how dumb she was not to realize how wildly the price fluctuates. It seems like it may be low for the immediate future today, but when you're purchasing a vehicle you need to make the decision a little more long-term, especially if your finances are tight.
By no means was I implying GM had any control over the timing of the launch coinciding with low gas prices. I simply said it was unfortunate, which it is. The initial buzz and sales when a new vehicle launches are very important. Trying to revive that later when gas prices increase is obviously much more difficult, not to mention the competition will have caught up.