Let the games continue....


From article:

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who will be joined by Martin O’Malley Saturday in their third and final presidential debate of 2015, frequently assure their supporters that Democrats agree more often than they are divided.

On the weekend before Christmas-- when Hollywood’s “Star Wars” juggernaut is opening in theaters worldwide -- the debate audience may wither, but the candidate contrasts may widen. The Democratic rivals won’t have another official invitation to spar until Jan. 17, when they’re set to debate in Charleston, S.C. And by then, caucus and primary voters in early states will be just weeks away from casting their ballots.

Campaigning Wednesday in Iowa where she is making a strong showing in the polls, Clinton described the 2016 presidential race as “one of the watershed elections” in American history, and she encouraged a town-hall audience to carefully measure the country’s problems against proposed solutions offered by conservative candidates.

“It gives us a chance to have a great debate, to lay out an agenda,” she said about next year’s contest.