Yes, certainty in guaranteeing the product of a company that you simply looked up on the internet and are hell bent on defending no matter what, despite obvious issues with previous designs they have put forth in this city IS off putting.

Sorry, but 1.5 million for that site is a great deal.

Can you point to any other prominent downtown developments that are stick built? This is supposed to be a major development in the downtown of large city and you want to compare it to suburban mansions? That alone says you don't know what you are talking about. Stick built in this context means cheap. They got the land for practically nothing and they have chosen a design that allows for cheaper construction. If quality was a high priority they would not be building this the way they are with the design they have chosen, it is as simple as that.

I am completely justified in critiquing VG's design choices in their current properties. It doesn't matter that they did not construct the buildings, their choices in rehabbing them are very telling. The exterior lighting on Trolley is garbage just as is the astro turf they attached to the structure. I want to dry heave every time I walk by and see the chandeliers and cheap wood paneling they added to the entry. Same goes for Millender and whatever the hell it is they added to the entryway there. So to answer your question of what would satisfy me... good design. It is obvious that they went cheap and tacky on both of those properties which are among the largest residential properties downtown. Based on that what makes you think their new build is going to be of such high quality? Christ, they made sure that all residents will have a front row seat to the people mover and put up a billboard facing the best feature of the location, Grand Circus Park.

Just because people may like the way you run your properties, which I have read conflicting accounts on anyway, doesn't mean you have a clue about good design. They have come up with something cheap that shows zero awareness for the location in which it will sit. That should not be applauded nor accepted downtown right now.