Quote Originally Posted by gvidas View Post

Detroit is especially hard to window-shop from a distance. A lot of what you see about Detroit online is bluster and bullshit. This website is relatively down to earth, but there's still a lot of lips flapping in the breeze. As soon as you're looking for a studio/apartment/house, feet on the ground become extremely important.

In terms of people, my experience here has been about the same as everywhere else I've lived -- people are mostly great, with a few assholes sprinkled in. The ratio that you experience has a lot to do with how you live. Assholes tend to find other assholes.

Find a 1-3 week airbnb or a bed at the hostel and see for yourself.
Yeah, I figure. Window shopping from a distance is joke. I totally get where your coming from, I'm getting skewed by media and what not. Its just such a big place, I don't even know where to start. I prefer no to attract assholes. Just cool folks, doing their things and keeping it hot.