Quote Originally Posted by daddeeo View Post
The guys a liability in the field and swings like a maniac no matter the situation at bat.
It's funny how an unpopular player brings out the naked ignorance among so-called sports fans. Gary Sheffield has a career on base percentage of .394. For someone who's hit for good power, that's just short of extraordinary. Sheff's always had an excellent eye at the plate. And as long as he can throw, he's a better all-around option than Ryan Church, the Mets' current right fielder.

As for not winning a championship, Sheff has always been one of 25 guys on a roster. Until 2008, he was always the best or one of the best players on his team. The idea that because you don't like a guy, he probably was a clubhouse cancer who managed to negatively influence his well-intentioned teammates is just dumb. It's baseball. Each guy has a job to do. Sheff is a first-ballot Hall of Famer who, until last year, always showed up and did his job well.