Ok hear me out before you scoff at this idea!!!!

Detroit will be putting into service the new M-1 rail service soon. I was thinking that announcements made about stops etc should be in English and French. Why? Well, to begin, French sells as "sophisticated" "cultured" etc. Detroit has a lot of negative stereotypes..."blue collar" "rust belt" "crime ridden" and the list goes on. I was thinking that visitors would find it a different experience to hear the Detroit Metro system making announcements in French unlike other cities. It might psychologically change people's perceptions of the city as a Midwestern rustbelt city into a more international city.

Secondly, Detroit borders Canada which is officially a bilingual country - French and English. By using French, it would bolster the idea of Detroit being more connected socially with Canada. Detroit would be part of the Windsor - Quebec corridor.

Third, Detroit has French origins. It might not be a bad idea for Detroit to reacquaint itself with its French soul.

Ok...your turn to go off on me that this absurd.