There's an interesting article in the Detroit News today that follows up on Tbaby. She is the creator of the viral 'ghetto anthem' and internet sensation "It's so Cold in the D" that has logged over 8.2 million views on Youtube.

I found the song to have a heartfelt appeal - a tribute to a murdered friend - with an unforgettable mournful melody and refrain. [Warning to those not familiar - this is a top notch earworm that can get stuck in your head for days.]

I was pleased to hear she has made a little money from it. Regrettably it has come with it a lot of ridicule and scorn from the brutal cowards of the internet.

She has new manager and has made a remix starting in the same eastside coney as the original. While her lilting voice is still wonderful and there is better audio and backup, the video itself lacks the freshness and spontaneity of the original.