Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
This is 100% true, though Feiger is equally entitled to call the DAC out on it.

And I doubt he was denied because he's an "asshole". I would like to see the DAC membership list, and we can all vet for "asshole" behavior. It probably has more to do with his politics, ethnicity, and constituency. He doesn't fit a club of stodgy WASP Republicans from the Pointes.
There's plenty of stodgy WASP Republican assholes at the DAC, but the membership is much more broad. The club's membership is quite large, as is necessary to support the very large and expensive-to-operate historic facility. Relative to most private social clubs, the membership is also very diverse politically, ethnically and racially. The place really isn't that exclusive, which is fine, otherwise they would need $3000/mo. dues to keep it open.