Quote Originally Posted by antongast View Post
...snip...Investors aren't just trying to "improve" the city, they're trying to remake it in their image. And whenever anyone who actually has to live here tries to say "hey, wait a minute, is remaking the city in this random dude's image consistent with what we want for the city?" they get slammed for being obstructionist and reflexively hostile to outsiders. We're not supposed to ask questions, we're just supposed to let the money guys do their thing and accept whatever they give us. And that, right there, is what a lot of people find off-putting.
You setup a false argument here. Its not either-or. Some people have hard opinions. Others don't. But as to business development the question isn't this or that. Its not mine or yours. It is whether. And if it is whether, it then mostly needs to be decided by whoever is investing. If the city invests, they mostly get to decide. If a businesswoman invests, she mostly decides.

This money thing is the game. Those are the rules. Funny thing, however. Almost everyone wins if the game is played in their yard -- not someone elses. And Detroit has encouraged the game to move elsewhere for too long. The trend back is going to be great for all.