Punch Bowl Social is in damage control mode after disgruntled customers lit up social media with complaints. Either they simply opened too early or were overwhelmed by the size of the crowd they attracted but they clearly were not ready. Anecdotally, I know from a couple of friends that it was impossible to get drinks and the only activity they could try was darts.

Alan Stamm of Deadline Detroit writes in his article 'Forgive Us,' Punch Bowl Social Pleads After a Shaky Launch'
It's a clear sign of trouble, and damage control, when a new restaurant offers free Sunday brunch to 100 pissed-off guests.

"Mistakes are not free," the Punch Bowl Social group's chief executive acknowledges to the Free Press, adding that its peacemaking meal for a prominent patron and friends "will cost us several thousand dollars."

The goodwill gesture is part of a rough first month for the downtown newcomer that opened Dec. 10 and attracted larger holiday season crowds than it could handle.