While perusing a Curbed Detroit article about a nice new listing in Indian Village http://detroit.curbed.com/archives/2...imaginable.php, I scrolled to the comments and came across a Hall of Fame-worthy troll posting by “D. Brandon.” Here it is with its condescension unedited:

@walker-d: The difference of course is that Seattle is an educated, booming city. Detroit is rotten with little data to suggest it's ever going to see this uptick the hollow hype promises. Anyone who settles in Detroit is stunting their professional and social prospects. Further, the true cost of ownership in Detroit is far greater than any asking price would suggest. The highest crime in the nation, the highest property taxes, highest auto insurance, the worst schools, a bear real estate market, brain drain, etc. It's no way to live, and anyone with better options takes them. The people left in SE Michigan are desperate or too dull to get out. It's the antithesis of a mecca of ambition and creativity and intelligence, which is how I'd characterize Seattle, NYC, Portland, SF, DC, Chicago, Austin, Nashville and Boston.

Given the post’s over-the-top ugliness, my first thought was that no one could be that much of an asshole, and that D. Brandon was just clumsily attempting to have a little fun with previous commenters who were extolling the virtues of a lovely turn-key Detroit home. A review of D. Brandon’s earlier posts to Curbed [[http://detroit.curbed.com/users/154111) quickly quashed that notion. Each of the guy’s [[yes, I’m assuming it’s a guy) six posts since he registered on November 1 either bash Detroit sledgehammer-like or are disapprovingly negative toward the subject Curbed post.

My thoughts then ventured to wondering about D. Brandon the person and how amazingly intolerable he must be in real life. Or is he perhaps a closet jerk. If he has friends, are they like him? Is he married? Could his wife be as big of an asshole or does she perhaps suffer his douc.. baggery silently? Was he such a dick as a child? A dude like this is so toxic, what kind of interpersonal havoc must he wreak on family, friends and co-workers? Not sure why, but for some reason I find it fascinating to observe D. Brandon’s narcissism and uncontrollable need to advise Detroiters how much they suck.

And sadly, social media gives a ready pulpit to the kind of ugliness proudly espoused by D. Brandon. These kinds of attitudes underpin the divisive political climates in Lansing and Washington DC.

Is D. Brandon Detroit’s worst troll? Anybody have other contenders?