Quote Originally Posted by anonJD View Post
I didn't grow up here. Aside from the price tag, are there any concerns?
It's a fairly challenging, college track curriculum. If that's what you are looking for, aside from the price and the location [[depending on where you live) it's certainly one of the best choices in the region, and the campus is unparalleled. Because it has a boarding school component, the facilities are available for longer hours than most conventional schools. One drawback might be that because it draws from a fairly large area kids may not have any classmates near them. There could be a lot of driving...

I don't have a direct connection but I know people who have gone there, whose children have gone there, and who teach there and none of them have anything bad to say about it.

Personally, if I had a boy I'd send him to U-D Jesuit, but that's not because I think anything bad about Cranbrook.